Monday 6 December 2010

Distracted and Delighted

Well, my life has taken a turn for the happier, richer and more varied. I find myself in a very content life with a husband and a lover. My needs are met and for once, I feel like a am myself.

I'm not going to lie and say it's incredibly easy but it's not hard either. It feels right and natural. The only negative is that I can't shout about it from the rooftops and that's mainly because I don't want to cause distress to people who will find it hard enough to process my love of women, never mind the actual other person in my life. There may come a time when it feels right to tell my family but, for now, they just know that I am happy.

Reading Ethical Slut has made me appreciate the need to be more honest to myself about my feelings which, in turn, has helped me be honest about them with the other people important in my life. I just wish I'd read this book years ago so I might not have lived in the closet for so long.

Talking about closets, I even feel more in touch with my sexuality and am happier identifying myself as a lesbian. I know that may sound odd, considering I have a very healthy relationship with my husband but I know in my heart that he truly is the only man I will ever want and if I lost him in whatever way, there would be no replacing him with another man, even if David Tennant was available! Honestly, there would be no replacing being done anyway but I don't think I will ever love another man.

Basically, I am a happier, truer, realer me and I love my life.


  1. This post makes me quite unreasonably smiley :)

    Really though are you quite sure about forsaking David Tennant? Even in Casanova? I feel a dvd watching session coming on

  2. I probably couldn't say no to him as Casanova...or if he was wearing a suit and the red Converse...oh dear! I do think a Tennant session is quite necessary!

  3. Swooon! I still would. Do you think if we asked him nicely he'd be up for a threesome? Actually, sod it let's make it an orgy with the madame de pompidour from the girl in the fireplace episode!
